Recognizing our spiritual selves in a physical world and acting on it

Balanced living requires an equilibrium with the mind, body and spirit.  For me a daily routine of prayer is part of that balance. Here I commune with my creator and acknowledge; thankfulness for all that’s been given to me, seek peace for things around me that I cannot control and seek healing both mentally and physically.  Firming my connection of mind, body and spirit has directed me to establish a daily practice of prayer

  1. Spiritual connection, that small voice, actions, humility, pride and balance
  2. Part of a greater existence, listening and discerning
  3. Integrating spiritual connection as a daily baIance
  4. Spiritual connection and alignment of values
  5. Spiritual connection with the mind and body
  6. Managing stress and challenges
  7. Seek out community and support
  8. Boundaries and knowing who you are
  9. Taking the time, continuous self-reflection and adaptation
  1. Spiritual connection, that small voice, actions, humility, pride and balance

For me, there is evidence confirming that a greater part of who I am consists in a spiritual presence.  Understanding that, moves me to nourish this part of my being.  Part of that recognition comes from a conscience that guides me.  Some refer to it as that small inner voice, the Holy Spirit or just the individual conscience.   This is the place that defines right or wrong, the next action to take, what you should be viewing or listening to, what you should say or how you should act.  I believe we are provided this spiritual connection; it is not something that we just generate ourselves.  The small inner voice is God speaking to us.  He has provided a point of connection. 

For sure I don’t always want to do what my conscience is directing me to do.   If I act against that, my spiritual sense opposes me.  The bad feelings that come afterward is my conscience battling my will.  Pride will encourage the will to defeat the conscious and leave me prideful but ultimately discontent.  This really throws off my balance.  Letting go of pride, ushering in humility, listening and acting on the voice of good conscience, leads me to doing the next right thing.  When I put this in action, I am left feeling balanced and right with the world around me.  Both naturally and supernaturally. 

For a majority of my life, I chose to ignore or certainly not nurture the spiritual part of my existence.  I had a feeling, as a kid, that I was part of a story that was being observed from another dimension.  I can’t say where that came from but it was just something that was presented in my mind.  Through the years that perception would come and go with me.  It was as if there were a supernatural world observing my actions.   I never gave thought to praying or actually acting on my spiritual presence.  I took care of my body, worked out, exercised and watched my diet ……… sort of.  I read books, went to college and kept my mind somewhat present and clear.  I spent most of my development years and early manhood living outside of any spiritual sense.  I lived for me and I lived it with whatever I could consume, inhale or experience as long as it gave me my desired feelings I wanted at the time.  I was in an endless search for satisfaction, that just wouldn’t settle in with me.  I’d also spent much leisure time reading.   It came to me that I had read so many books, fiction and non-fiction, why don’t I read the Bible.  My reasoning was if we are created by God and He left us a book for knowledge, wouldn’t that book have great significance?  Even enough significance to be THE most important book to read.  So my spiritual journey started here.  I was drawn in by the words, stories, wisdom and the prevailing theme of working for others. This was different from other spiritual quests in that it requires more than just being the best version of myself that I could possibly be without imposing on others.  Working for others means that I’m supposed to die to self and live to lift up those around us.  This, to me, defines humility, selflessness, goodness and alignment with all that’s around me.  It also takes conviction and hard work BUT when I act in good accord here, the reward is so much greater.  I feel like a fine-tuned orchestra, balanced, connected and doing my part.  I still need to be the best me that I can but in turn I’m also moved to give the good parts away or at least share them.   So, I’m down with that, why not help a brother or sister out.  I get a spiritual lift when I do, so I’m encouraged to pass it on.  That feeling I had as a kid has come to make sense.  Establishing a point of prayer and reflection in my life has connected me to that spiritual, supernatural realm.  Ultimately, providing a sense of balance. 

Everyone has their journey or walk of discovery.  I came to my spiritual sense in later years and I am grateful that I did.  So, now I have the desire to maintain the balance of my mind with my body and firm my spiritual sense along with that.  When I take care of my spiritual being I definitely get a lift that moves beyond a physical connection and into a supernatural connection.  It’s like being lifted out of a weighty jacket of burden.  Problems don’t drop off but the ability to manage them replaces the jacket with a t-shirt and jeans of encouragement for a more reasonable stride.  I think like an engineer, whatever is gonna make the task easier, get the right tool and use it.  I’m all about takin’ the easy way out. 

  1. Part of a greater existence, listening and discerning

Connecting with my conscience and praying provides a means for me to release negative thoughts, establish a more humble self being and way to better navigate the supernatural world surrounding me.  I can release the bad parts of the previous day and start new.  I don’t need to let past errors or setbacks define me.  I can truly release all that and start anew.   There is so much benefit to realizing I am part of a greater existence and a greater story. 

Knowing I contribute to a greater cause, not all things around me are just about me.  I can establish a connection and knowledge to the supernatural / spiritual world I cannot see and the physical world I can see.  And when I listen for what comes back to me, during prayerful insight, I can work to establish a positive impact on myself and the world around me      

If the return message is nothing but negative, I know that source is not from a good place and needs to be shut out.  If the feedback is uplifting, it comes from goodness.  And, if the feedback is not necessarily everything I want to hear, is not harmful to me or others but moves me toward discomfort …….. this is God telling me it’s time to get uncomfortable and change, there’s something better to get to.  And, if the feedback suggests hurting, humiliating, shaming, harming, dishonoring or in any way acting against me or another person, I shut that out.  Regardless of the offense committed against me or my view of things.   Where there is good, evil lurks as well and evil comes to us disguised as goodness.  And directions or actions that come from a corrupt source are not going to result in any greater good.   Discernment, wisdom and just common-sense help to clarify right from wrong. 

  1. Integrating spiritual connection as a daily balance

I practice a prayerful connection daily.  It’s how I start my day.  Just spending an allotted time and place to connect with God fuels my spiritual start up.  I segment my time, in part, to be thankful.  Here, regardless of circumstance there is something in that circumstance I can be thankful for.  It can be as simple as a meal, a comfortable bed, a good friend but there is something to be grateful for.    

I also ask to seek forgiveness or to offer forgiveness.  Seeking forgiveness for the wrongs I committed opens a portal to humility, self-reflection, self-awareness and improved wellbeing. It offers an avenue to avoid committing future mishaps or wrongs. 


Offering forgiveness to someone that has wronged me, frees me of the control that person stakes in my life.  It also creates an awareness of future paths to avoid.  There is so much to be gained here.  Forgiveness allows me to release ruminating thoughts on how it should have gone or what should have been said or …….. whatever.  I just don’t need to dwell on it, once I’ve forgiven.  To be clear, forgiveness is NOT about allowing bad behavior or continuation of wrongdoing.  It just allows you to clear your mind.  Discernment will show you what to avoid for the future, to not seek revenge and move peacefully to the next place you need to be.


I ask God to open doors that are closed for me, I ask for guidance as to whether I should walk through those doors.  I pray for goodness, healing or lifting up for all those in my circle.    I offer worship to the One that created me, sustains me, provides me with hope and salvation.   I seek wisdom and peace which moves beyond my understanding and can only be provided from the supernatural.


There is an uplift in wellbeing, a provision for peace, a clarity in thought, a purpose for being.  Anxieties, depression and physical ailments subside, I have experienced all of this.           

  1. Spiritual connection and alignment of values   

Incorporating a spiritual practice as routine allows for personal inventory and mental balance.  I’m able to align my thoughts and mindful sense with my outward actions.  This helps provide the correct amount of ballast needed to assure precise direction and harmony in my life journey.    

This requires self-reflection to identify what truly matters to me on a spiritual level and consciously incorporating those values into my decision-making process.  This is where true wisdom and peace can be found.  I find that by seeking prayer and meditations and allowing the spiritual being that I am, to flourish, moves me to a greater sense of serenity.

Here, in commune with God the items or events that I allowed to control my identity are redefined.   I am able to transcend into a natural balance.  My need to control events, my anger and frustrations are replaced with acceptance, peace and truer wisdom.  This is real wellbeing and true-life balance.  Here’s the deal, not everything is gonna be good and tough times are always around.  Through prayer I can transcend to a peaceful alignment and know that everything is right where it’s supposed to be.  I don’t control it all and I am way fine with knowing that and lettin’ go of what ain’t mine.   

  1. Spiritual connection with the mind and body

Physical health and spiritual well-being are intertwined.  A journey in prayer and meditation requesting knowledge for better physical living, can be revealed.  And, when that occurs, you should follow that direction.  Requesting healing for physical disparities whether small such as healing from a cold or more serious, such as healing from a chronic illness can yield exceptional and miraculous results.  God is a healer and nothing is impossible. 

Further along these lines you will begin to enjoy the positive impact on your overall attitude which alone offers its own healing aspects.  In this case, as prayer and meditation become a greater practice, anxiety and stress become a lesser companion.  And then, the healing begins.

There is a direct impact on physical wellness as prayer and meditation work into your life.  It creates a place of peace and serenity.  Thus, reducing stress.  When stress is reduced, cortisol levels decrease, allowing the body to return to a more balanced state.  Cortisol is a hormone released during stress.  Elevated levels increase blood pressure and yield a negative impact on your immune system.  Prayer and meditation equal less stress and in turn less cortisol release.

Natural painkillers are found in the release of Endorphins.  These neurotransmitters are released during activities like exercise, laughter, and relaxation; such as prayer and meditation. Lowering stress and anxiety levels can stimulate the release of endorphins, contributing to a sense of well-being and, in turn,  reducing physical ailments.

Mood regulators are found in dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter release.  Chronic stress and anxiety can disrupt the balance of these neurotransmitters. When stress is alleviated, thru prayer and meditation, the body can restore a healthier balance, leading to improved mood and overall well-being.

The release of the hormone oxytocin promotes feelings of connection, trust, and relaxation. This occurs in response to positive social interactions, touch, and emotional connections, here again, thru prayer and meditation.  Lowering stress allows for the release of oxytocin

GABA (Gamma-Amino-butyric Acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regulate anxiety and stress. Lowering stress levels allows the body to maintain a more balanced GABA function, contributing to a calmer state of mind and improved physical relaxation.

 Essentially, transcending into a more spiritual sense can provide a greater peaceful mindset, clarity of thought and improved physical conditions.  Physically we see a lowering of blood pressure, improved sleep, less muscle stress, less headache, improved digestion …………..  just to name a few base positive attributes

  1. Managing stress and challenges   

A spiritual prayerful life can be a source of strength during challenging times.  Developing coping mechanisms, in this practice, can help manage stress and provide a sense of calm during life’s uncertainties.  It allows me to recognize the aspects of life I cannot control and release into the supernatural.  Why hang on to what I can’t control or manage??   I let it go.  In turn it will also allow me to recognize what I can control and act on that; whereby, letting go of more anxieties.  

Hard times happen to all of us.  The suffering, pain, hurt is part of that journey but does not have to remain with me or define me.  Prayerful meditations profoundly help to lift the burden and move me to a better place, not allowing the hardship to govern my journey or cloud my decisions. 

  1. Seek out community and support

Engaging with a like-minded community can offer support and encouragement in your spiritual journey. Connecting with others who share similar values can provide a sense of belonging and make the balancing act more sustainable.  Identify with a church or group in a spiritual sense where you can share your walk with good company. 

It will also be encouraging and help in your personal spiritual growth.  You may need to shop around to be sure you have values that align but don’t be discouraged, stay on the search until you find a safe runway and land there. 

  1. Boundaries and knowing who you are

Establishing boundaries is crucial in preventing spiritual practices from becoming overwhelming or a lessor priority.  It’s important to strike a balance between dedicating time to spiritual pursuits and fulfilling responsibilities in other areas of life, such as work, family, and social relationships.  Your spiritual sense is part of you and does need to fit in the overall balance of mind, body and spirit. 

Further, never let anyone take you off your spiritual sense, mock your direction, stand in the way or limit your needed time.  For me, this is not helpful in my life journey.  Where this has happened, I’ve had to question the need for that person or persons to be a part of my intimate life.  Ultimately, I take a look at what their life looks like.  Peaceful?  Fulfilled?  Good?  Balanced?  I’ve had to remove some people from my life completely.  Also, there are some relations that remain, but I don’t allow deeper intimacy.   Concluding, I need to be who I need to be, and they need to be as they wish.  Establishing firm boundaries gives me a great sense of serenity and balance

  1. Taking the time, continuous self-reflection and adaptation

Effectively managing time for spiritual connection is important.  Establish a dedicated time, place, atmosphere that will allow for you to connect spiritually.  Start with a couple minutes of pure dedication and expand from there.  For me, I found that I wanted to increase my connectedness here because of the positive sense of being that came onto me.      

Spiritual connection allows for self-integration into the world around me but also to not be consumed as part of the world course.  I gain a sense of right and wrong, good and bad, safe and unsafe.  I move away from the maddening noise, the following of the crowd into a more self-aware, self-satisfied, empathetic, balance being. 


Achieving balance is an ongoing process that requires continuous reflection and adaptation.  As my life circumstances have changed, my spiritual integration has changed.  For me it’s been a change for greater introspection and connection with the physical and the metaphysical.  I am encouraged to evolve into what I believe is a better person.  I have experienced a greater self-awareness, greater humility, greater empathy and overall, a greater satisfaction in my existence and serenity with the world and people around me.  

I also desire to understand the depth of the spiritual, supernatural world.  I am open to challenge what I see or hear against my understanding of God, Jesus, faith, wisdom and work to fit the intricate pieces of my lifes puzzle into placement, as new declarations appear and as the journey goes on.  I ask for wisdom for the next puzzle fit and where it should go.

In conclusion, balancing spirituality with other aspects of life involves intentional choices, self-awareness, and a commitment to aligning actions with spiritual values. It’s a great process that will vary for each individual, and finding the right equilibrium is a personal and very, very rewarding journey.    It helps in my balancing of mind, body and spirit

In short here’s some thoughts to help to grow a more spiritual presence: 

  1. Pray, meditate, connect with your conscience, this is your spiritual foundation
  2. Listen to that small voice, discern the good from the bad. Act on the good, consider discomfort as part of personal growth.  Do not move to hurt others or yourself, this is the small voice of corruption.  Where there is good, evil ain’t far away. 
  3. Establish a humble self, remove pride, become more balanced
  4. We are part of a greater existence. There’s a supernatural world we are part of
  5. Integrate a spiritual connection as a daily routine
  6. Spiritual connection establishes an alignment of values; you can put to practice how your spirit guides you
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