About Balanced Living

The mind motivates the body, which encourages the spirit, which transforms the mind.   A triad of balance


Balanced Living – Mission Statement
Providing a resource of information to help maintain a balanced life.  Through research and personal applications, a thoughtful approach to balancing mind, body and spirit as a process toward symmetry and serenity.   Associating the interconnectedness between our physical selves, our mindfulness and our spiritual identities

This website, blog, vlog and/or postings are intended to assist with achieving a balance in life.  Similar to an engine, we are a synergistic operating system.  As in an engine if the oil pump fails, lubrication will not reach surfaces and cause eventual malfunctions.  If the fuel it receives is poor quality this will lead to eventual fault.  If gaskets leak, so will pressures and liquids, again leading to break downs.  All systems are depending on the other and a balance is needed.  

We are similar in this regard, our brain controls our physical attributes, our brain is dependent on a clean mind. A clean mind nourishes clarity of thought. A clean brain allows us to know when to go, stop, rest, engage, receive fuel and so much more. From the mind/brain association comes the physical wellness.

We remain as physically healthy as possible using our mind function to direct us toward that which is good for our bodies. This comes from good nutrition, identifying what is good to consume over that which is detrimental. Our mind also helps to direct us toward physical momentums that promote good physical charecteristics; such as, exercise to help body strength and endurance. While exercising helps the physical it also assists the brain function, whereby, creating a synergy of healthy mind/brain and corporeal being.

In parallel the spiritual part of our selves is the compass which guides our overall wellbeing. Providing identity, purpose, moral direction leading to balance and serenity.

The triad unison of mind, body and spirit work closely together to achieve a balance of health, thoughts and clarity as we pursue this endeavor of life. Where one of these charecteristics break down, much like an engine an eventual failure occurs if a good maintenance schedule is not employed.

My hope is that my own personal journey would allow me to provide insights that could move someone into a healthy balance. You may be stuck just wondering how to change to become more serene, remove excess wieght gained, improve physical appearance, explore the spiritual you. Or, you may be caught up in a whirl of bad habits, bad choices and just out of balance. I can relate to the latter. I’ve been through addictions, illnesses, overwieght and agnostic. Leading into anger, lack of disciplines, job losses, lack of clear thought, spiritually vacant, selfish, self-destructive, self-contemptuous, morally corrupt and not caring about relations. And, when I’m vacant, I’d seek out any bad behavior to fill my emptiness.

My greatest accomplishment that provided a pathway toward serenity, self-care, care toward others and purpose was identifying how spiritually empty I was. When I questioned my spiritual existance and the deeper part of being, answers came that provided so much clarity to me. I mourned that I hadn’t started the journey earlier in my life. But, I also recognized this journey has made me who I am today.

This site is dedicated to maintaining a healthy living balance. And ……….. BALANCE ……. here, is the active verb. Too much brain/mind focus can cause possible overthought, stress and eventual physical breakdowns. Too much physical focus, removes clarity in thought and spiritual connection. Too much spiritual connection can lead to much inner focus and not enough outward reach. Balance is so important and this is what will be explored within the context of Balanced Living.

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